Sexual Crimes in Conflict Database

A collection of relevant literature and case law

Showing all 1 results.
  • Literature

    Durbach, Andrea and Geddes, Lucy - ‘To shape our own lives and our own world’: exploring women’s hearings as reparative mechanisms for victims of sexual violence post-conflict

    Achievements and Challenges of Sexual Violence Prosecution Sentencing and Reparations
    South Africa, Peru, Sierra Leone, Bosnia Herzegovina, Japan, Guatemala, Timor-Leste
    Post-conflict Women's Hearings Transitional Justice Sexual Violence Reparation

    Reference link
    Full reference
    Andrea Durbach and Lucy Geddes. “ ‘To shape our own lives and our own world’: exploring women’s hearings as reparative mechanisms for victims of sexual violence post-conflict”, in International Journal of Human Rights, 2017, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 1261-1280.
    Type of literature
    Journal Article
    Research focus
    Investigation, Prosecution and Prevention of Conflict related Sexual Violence
    Durbach, Anna and Geddes, Lucy

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